Saturday, January 11, 2014

Continuing Training

  Well here we are in the second week of the new year. And I definitely have alot to work on.

  In March I've got my first marathon, so obviously running is important. In the last week of December I logged in 40 miles. So for the last two weeks I've lowered the mileage while trying to maintain intensity/speed. So I've focused on short intervals once or twice a week as well as shorter runs, mostly in the 1 - 3.5 mile range. I also have been doing these shorter runs in my neighborhood after a 15:00-45:00 workout. Usually either a combination of body weight exercises like 1 leg squats and kettle bell swings along with a little plyometric work or after weight lifting. I find this is also an excellent warm up, opening up my cardio respiratory system and getting my muscle tissue ready to perform.

  I also threw in my first long run of the year this morning. After a 10:00-12:00 kettle bell workout, I ran 10 miles. I alternated the speed, sprinting short distances while focusing on my form ( i.e, triple flexion for front side mechanics, landing on my mid/forefoot,etc.) throughout. It certainly wasn't race pace ( 1:33:25 or 9:20 per mile) but then again it wasn't meant to be.

  My other big object is increasing my pull ups. Every week I've been doing descending sets  ( going from say 9 down to 5 reps ). Now this is over many sets, maybe 10. Of course I'll alternate other exercises with them ( 1 leg squats, kettle bell swings,etc.). Other times I'll use intervals. In fact Thursday I did 4 pull ups every 1:00 for 20:00. That's 80 pull ups in a work out!

   I hope you see what a long road success can be, but as I continue to show it can be achieved.

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