Friday, January 3, 2014

2013 In Review

    I hope 2013 was good and productive for you. For me overall 2013 was good.

     It didn't start that great. Around March I fractured my left fibula, and around May I strained my left shoulder, and my right shoulder isn't feeling that great. Despite that I managed to finish 2013 pretty good.

        I worked around the injuries ( power and Olympic lifts, kettle bell work) and corrective body work I was able to run again. Long story short, starting Friday October 25 I raced 3 weeks in a row. I celebrated my 47th Bday by winning my age group and coming in 9th at the Run To Row 5k. The following Friday I won Masters in the Honor Flight 5k as well as coming in 4th! And the following Saturday my favorite, and toughest, the UDT/SEAL Museum 5k. I won Masters ( 3rd time) and set a personal best time!

         I finished November by competing in the first swim/climb/run. This was also held by the UDT/SEAL Museum. It was held at Riverside Park in Vero Beach. We swam 50 meters from the pier,  then had to climb up a 65-70 feet rope ladder to the Barber Bridge, run about a mile on the bridge, fast rope back down into the river, and swim back. And by the way, because of the sharp ropes, I wore jeans and boots, not swim trunks and sneakers. Despite this , and my total lack of experience climbing ropes, I managed to complete the challenge.

         Finally, I finished the year on Saturday Dec. 28 with 13 regular / back pull-ups, 15 bicep pull ups, and 5 one leg squats/pistols on my right leg and 8 pistols for my left leg. I won't lie, all those numbers were a struggle. But nonetheless  I managed to increase my numbers.

          For 2014 some of my goals include hitting 20+ pull ups, faster 5k times ( below 20:00), more 1 leg squats, start overhead pressing again. Oh, and I signed up for my first full marathon. The Treasure Coast Marathon, Sunday March 2. 26.2 miles! You better believe I'm going to avoid injuries!

         So aim high. And  I hope you see what's possible, despite life's obstacles. If you're willing to stick with your goals and work around the obstacles you can still achieve many things. I'm proof of that.

        Follow me in 2014.

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