Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Recovering From Disappointment

   This week had it's ups and downs for me. Most of my training runs were off a bit. But there were a couple of good runs including a 50 meter sprint interval I did poolside, and a good group training run I did. That was Thursday night at Fleet Feet of Stuart , where I ran 4 miles in a little over 34:00. Thanks guys.

   Unfortunately my first race of 2014 didn't 't go as good as I wanted. I ran the Race for the Coach 5k in downtown Fort Pierce. My time was 24:04. I came in second in my age group . Thank god. Actually I was at 23:28 at the 3 mile mark but still I should have been under 24:00 for overall time.

    While there have been factors that have been less than favorable lately ( cold, strong headwind, muscle pulls, etc) that doesn't change the fact I could and should have done better. I'm going to start putting more intervals back into my training along with beach and hill runs. Crying doesn't help, solutions do.

    My pull up training has been going good. Pull up training 5-6 days a week. This week never less
than 20 reps in a workout although most days I averaged 60-70 reps. In fact Wednesday I did the 4 x 20:00 interval again, reaching 80 reps. And Saturday using a pyramid method  hit 100! Yes you read right. I worked my way from 1 up to 10 pull ups, then worked  my way back down to 1. I also did 45 pistols ( 1 leg squats) as part of this workout .1 - 5 reps per set. Alternating each leg at a time. I also did kettle bell swings.  I won't lie , this workout took over 2 hours! But it was worth it .

     I know it's cliche but champions , while they may fall down, they get up again and keep swinging . Keep that in mind.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Cold Update

 Despite the unusual deep freeze I managed to keep up my training this week. I just chose the right times and right places.

  Running was hard this week because of the cold front. Oh I ran all 6 days, totaling 30 miles this week. I just mean I'd try to wait until the sun came out and the temps warmed up. Also because of the strong North West wind most of my times were off. Especially around my house, where my house is at the end of the street, Thus the final 200 meters or so I have strong headwind! Nevertheless, I got out every day , finishing my week with an 11+ mile run from Pepper Park Beach. Although my time was pathetic ( 2+ hours) I made it tougher, running at high tide, going in soft sand or mushy sand. I will be ready on marathon day.

  I kept up my pull up training, doing various work outs. Circuit training, ascending and descending ladders. And again I used the interval method, on Thursday, 4 pull ups every minute for 20:00.That's 80 pull ups in a work out. And Friday I did weighted pull ups, a 20 lb dumb bell in a back pack. I did 1 rep per set alternating with another exercise I'm trying to improve , the 1 legged squat aka pistol. I'd do 2 reps, alternating 1 leg at a time, along with a kettle bell 2 hand swing x 10. I did 20 sets! These are the ways to improve reps.

  And last night, rather than freeze out back squatting and dead lifting , instead I worked inside. Another focus I need to work on is grip strength so I did various walking kettle bell lunges, using a bottoms up press grip ( holding the kettle bell upside down ). I spent about 45:00+.

  I hope everyone has kept up their pursuit of their goals for the new year ( I don't like the word resolution because no one means it ). Despite obstacles, find ways to keep up the work. I certainly have. That's the difference between winners and losers.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Continuing Training

  Well here we are in the second week of the new year. And I definitely have alot to work on.

  In March I've got my first marathon, so obviously running is important. In the last week of December I logged in 40 miles. So for the last two weeks I've lowered the mileage while trying to maintain intensity/speed. So I've focused on short intervals once or twice a week as well as shorter runs, mostly in the 1 - 3.5 mile range. I also have been doing these shorter runs in my neighborhood after a 15:00-45:00 workout. Usually either a combination of body weight exercises like 1 leg squats and kettle bell swings along with a little plyometric work or after weight lifting. I find this is also an excellent warm up, opening up my cardio respiratory system and getting my muscle tissue ready to perform.

  I also threw in my first long run of the year this morning. After a 10:00-12:00 kettle bell workout, I ran 10 miles. I alternated the speed, sprinting short distances while focusing on my form ( i.e, triple flexion for front side mechanics, landing on my mid/forefoot,etc.) throughout. It certainly wasn't race pace ( 1:33:25 or 9:20 per mile) but then again it wasn't meant to be.

  My other big object is increasing my pull ups. Every week I've been doing descending sets  ( going from say 9 down to 5 reps ). Now this is over many sets, maybe 10. Of course I'll alternate other exercises with them ( 1 leg squats, kettle bell swings,etc.). Other times I'll use intervals. In fact Thursday I did 4 pull ups every 1:00 for 20:00. That's 80 pull ups in a work out!

   I hope you see what a long road success can be, but as I continue to show it can be achieved.

Friday, January 3, 2014

2013 In Review

    I hope 2013 was good and productive for you. For me overall 2013 was good.

     It didn't start that great. Around March I fractured my left fibula, and around May I strained my left shoulder, and my right shoulder isn't feeling that great. Despite that I managed to finish 2013 pretty good.

        I worked around the injuries ( power and Olympic lifts, kettle bell work) and corrective body work I was able to run again. Long story short, starting Friday October 25 I raced 3 weeks in a row. I celebrated my 47th Bday by winning my age group and coming in 9th at the Run To Row 5k. The following Friday I won Masters in the Honor Flight 5k as well as coming in 4th! And the following Saturday my favorite, and toughest, the UDT/SEAL Museum 5k. I won Masters ( 3rd time) and set a personal best time!

         I finished November by competing in the first swim/climb/run. This was also held by the UDT/SEAL Museum. It was held at Riverside Park in Vero Beach. We swam 50 meters from the pier,  then had to climb up a 65-70 feet rope ladder to the Barber Bridge, run about a mile on the bridge, fast rope back down into the river, and swim back. And by the way, because of the sharp ropes, I wore jeans and boots, not swim trunks and sneakers. Despite this , and my total lack of experience climbing ropes, I managed to complete the challenge.

         Finally, I finished the year on Saturday Dec. 28 with 13 regular / back pull-ups, 15 bicep pull ups, and 5 one leg squats/pistols on my right leg and 8 pistols for my left leg. I won't lie, all those numbers were a struggle. But nonetheless  I managed to increase my numbers.

          For 2014 some of my goals include hitting 20+ pull ups, faster 5k times ( below 20:00), more 1 leg squats, start overhead pressing again. Oh, and I signed up for my first full marathon. The Treasure Coast Marathon, Sunday March 2. 26.2 miles! You better believe I'm going to avoid injuries!

         So aim high. And  I hope you see what's possible, despite life's obstacles. If you're willing to stick with your goals and work around the obstacles you can still achieve many things. I'm proof of that.

        Follow me in 2014.