Friday, February 7, 2014

Staying Active

   I'm staying active despite some serious setbacks. Namely some tendon and possible ligament pulls. Both my shoulders have had some pain for awhile. I laid off the presses for awhile. Now I can press low weight dumb bells ( 20 lbs and less ). But my right shoulder really feels it when my arms are hyper extended. So there go pull ups, at least for this week.

   I was doing ok running but last week I everted ( rolled outwards ) my right foot too much. I can walk ok  but high impact is definitely out. At least until Monday. I don't think it's a fracture as much as a ligament sprain ( not much fun either ). And I don't want it to become a fracture either.

   But I'm not going to let that send me into a state of nothingness. What type of trainer would I be? Remember, I lead by example.

   My morning runs have had to be replaced by long circuit training. We're talking 40:00 +. Often using dumb bells or my kettle bell. And full body exercises , almost all involving a form of lunges or step ups, along with a swing.I've also thrown in clean and jerks and snatches, with a dumb bell in order to put some explosiveness in. Fortunately I can still fully push off my feet.

   In the evenings I've gone back to moderately heavy squats and dead lifts. And as I mentioned earlier, I can press light dumb bells.

   One other piece I've added is strengthening my muscular imbalances. I've been doing these exercises before my weights. Usually just 2 - 3 sets, 10 -20 reps. Things like single leg bridges or Egoscue exercises like pillow squeezes for my adductors. Special thanks to Rolfer Ari Globerman for helping me with my pain.

   I'm not going to lie down and take it. And neither should you. Work around your problems . That's how to succeed.

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