I finally achieved a modified 1 arm chin up! I say modified because I used my opposite arm to stabilize my body as well as taking some weight off. Actually even though 1 arm was doing the majority of work the other arm was still involved , while not gripping the bar nevertheless the other arm was still contracting and extending at the same time. A true 1 arm chin up ( palms facing you) or 1 arm pull up ( palm facing away) would require the other arm to not be involved, hanging at the side or back,etc.
Don't get me wrong , this was no easy task! However a true 1 arm pull up ( I mean either way, palm facing or palm away) takes it to another level. I'm going to start to work on various drills to make it. Meantime let me give you a few tips. First and foremost you should be able to crank out 15 - 20 dead hang pull ups. This means no bicycling, kipping, swinging! And your chin has to clear the bar! So check out my post on how to improve your pull ups. Don't even think about 1 arm pull ups until you can hit those numbers in good form!
All the factors I mentioned in my post about pull ups apply here but even more so. Especially important is grip strength. So pay extra attention to your grip because it will definitely give out very quick here. Reverse curls and bicep curls will help some but minimally. Towel pull ups, which I've described in that pull up post All the other factors like body fat are of course very important here.
I'm not at a true 1 arm pull up yet but I've made a major step forward. So keep following me and I'll keep you updated.
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