Monday, January 18, 2016

More Info On Injuries And Training

                     Continuing on one part from last times post, I wanted to talk a little more about injuries and training.

                        I also forgot to give a shout out to two other local guys who've helped with my injuries. One is Kung Fu/Tai Chi/Chi Kung master. Even though Tai Chi is a martial art/health art some of the aspects, especially the emphasis on posture , is important no matter the activity ( throwing a punch, running,etc) if you want to prevent injury. But he's also helped when i've had injuries. Using Tui Na massage and the almost lost art of bone setting especially, has helped with fractures. I also want to thank massage therapist Michael Dicampli. He really helped loosen tight muscles on the week of the Navy SEAL Museum 5 K.

                         Again, I'm not a physical therapist but as a competitor as well as someone who's been injured I can speak from experience. Obviously try to avoid injury at all costs! Focus on form, avoid over training, do avoid static stretching before activity but do joint mobility/active stretching/warming up before an activity. I would also suggest foam rolling once a week or so.

                           If you do get injured, depending on the severity, if it's a muscle pull you may be able to work around it, again depending on the severity as well as the activity. For example, a we speak, my right knee , because of improper form, is strained. I'm still able to run, however I warm up good before a run, focusing on my glute medius , usually with squats or lunges. I also focus on my form during the run, not worrying about speed so much right now. On the other hand a dislocation or even worse, a fracture, will definitely stop you entirely, at least from certain activities. If you shoulder was dislocated you wouldn't be able to punch or press for example. Or if your ankle complex was fractured running will be out of the question. You may be able to do other exercises that don't involve the injured area ( for example with a dislocated shoulder you could still probably bike, with a fractured ankle you could probably do seated presses,etc).

                             Of course see a doctor, then a physical therapist, Rolfer, chiropractor, bone setter, acupuncturist, or a massage therapist. Those guys should be able to get you back to action.

                          Have an injury free 2016.

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